Problems on Scroll Up on Bytes
Alex Lin #28
If you are watching Bytes and you quickly scroll up (down is fine) the page, the sound from the previous videos will continue to play and will not stop. As you continue to scroll and play more videos, the sounds from each video will accumulate, resulting in a louder and louder overall sound. Moreover, the sounds would not disappear even if you click "Home," you have to reload the page to get rid of the sound. This can be disruptive and may make it difficult to concentrate on the current video.
Pls fix this ASAP!!!
Alex Lin #28 Have updated the fix and its live. Can you verify once? and we are good to go!
Alex Lin #28
sasicodes: Yep, it's fix. That's fast!!! You guys are awesome!!!
Alex Lin #28: Perfect 🙌🏻
in progress
Thanks for raising. Will check this asap!